
Out of Arizona
Two notables from Tucson are opening in other places (states, cultures) this week and deserve an honorable mention by Griff.

Denise Uyehara, performance artist from Tucson presents Pagentry, a new work in progress at UCLA’s Royce Hall on November 21.

About Pageantry: In the late 1930s renowned Hollywood choreographer Michio Ito formed a dance troupe of young women. He taught them dances from Indonesia, Thailand, China and Japan, but their plans to tour the U.S. were disrupted when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The U.S. government sent many of his dancers to the Japanese American internment camps. After the war some of his students found jobs dancing in nightclubs that catered to white America's fascination with the exotic oriental woman. In this interdisciplinary work Indonesian dance collides with film noir, while tracking the (in)visibility of pan-Asian dance hall girls. With video design by Adam Cooper-Teran.For more information visit the
Actions of Transfer Conference.

And Matthew Yates and Rosanna Salonia, both Tucson photographers, open a photography exhibit in Seattle at Benham Gallery this week.
So if you happen to be in those neighborhoods, perhaps it is worth a peek and further investigation। And if not, the work and the artists are amazing and are each well worth a honorable mention in our little corner of the world, all the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting photography on show- I'll have to visit the artists' websites since I have fat hope of getting to AZ in a hurry!

3:21 PM  
Blogger griff said...

FYI... neither show is in Arizona... one is in Seattle WA and the other is in Los Angeles CA.

4:08 PM  

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